Northern Bone Health Programme Northern Bone Health Programme NHSA Amgen


Bone health reviews

Ensure patients at risk of and those having osteoporosis are recalled annually for a comprehensive review as part of their long-term condition review or as a standalone review. Having the right diagnosis codes will help adding diary dates for recall (annual bone health reviews, DEXA scanning and treatment holidays/treatment pause).**

This could be done by a suitably trained allied health professional.

Suggested assessments to be completed at annual bone health review

  • Follow-up Osteoporosis assessment (including review of clinical risk factors, pain and disability)
  • FRAX or Q-Fracture probability score
  • Bisphosphonate medication review including side effects and contraindication
  • Assess for treatment failure and refer for specialist advice/consider alternate pharmacotherapy
  • Vitamin D and calcium medication review
  • Osteoporosis medication compliance review
  • Health education Osteoporosis (including signposting to exercises and rehabilitation programme)
  • Falls risk assessment – Using standard tools (e.g. FRAT) or developing a template from the following guidance;



** (section 7)